Savvas - APSI
Welcome Institute Directors
Please Read Carefully
If you are a Workshop Leader ordering for your workshop, please visit  This site is for Institute Directors only.

Institute Directors:
  • If you are requesting materials for multiple institutes at your location, please use the date of the first workshop on the submission form.
  • Requests must be placed at least 3 weeks prior to the first day of the workshop.
  • Upon completion of your request, choose 'Submit'. You will receive an on-screen confirmation PLUS you will receive a confirmation via email.
Form submitted by:    Institute Director         Workshop Leader
Institute Date:  
For multiple weeks please use earliest date.
* Savvas Learning Company does not knowingly collect or store any personally identifiable information from persons under the age of 13.  If you are under 13, please ask a teacher or parent to submit your inquiry for you.
For questions concerning your order please contact
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